Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day 39

6:00 AM and we are off for our final leg of this incredible adventure. It's a chilly morning, of course, 53ΒΊ with wind 5-6 mph SW!!!!!  Finally, following seas!  πŸ›₯🌬 There is a small craft warning for this afternoon here in Mass. Overcast with 20% chance of rain. Portland looks about the same with no wind and no warnings!  Yippee!

9:00 am and we are just leaving Rye, NH Dock for fuel. This was a navigational challenge to say the least. The narrow gateway was surrounded by rock walls and chucker full of various sizes of mooring balls, and boats ⛴⛵🚣🚀. The dock itself  had a few large touring ships in place which left us little room for mobility.  Captain Ken maneuvered Serenity like a Pro; unfreaking believable!πŸ’ I need a drink, lol 😬

We are back at it with 55 more miles to go.  The sun is out, the seas are calm and we are taking it all in. πŸ™πŸ™

12:15 and we are so close. 

We are the blue dot
 The winds have picked up to 12 mph and the waves  are now 3-4' with an occasional  rogue 5 footer just to keep us on our toes! 
We are making great time with the following seas coming off our starboard stern making us wiggle.

             2:30 and we are home at our spot at Sunset Marina.  

Portland LightHouse is always a welcome sight!

Thanks for Following Along!
Until next time...😍😎⚓